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One of the most common side effects associated with aesthetic injections is bruising. Even if you have never bruised before, it is always a possibility. Why? Because bruises are just a small hematoma; they occur when small blood vessels get punctured leaking their contents into the surrounding tissue. It is perfectly normal to bruise from injections.


All aesthetic injections should be done at least one month prior to any special event such as wedding, engagement, anniversary, birthday, major holiday, or photo shoot. Bruising and swelling after injections can last up to 14 days in some cases.


Please refrain from drinking caffeine, alcohol, and taking pain medications (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen, motrin, aspirin or advil, also vitamins, fish oil and other herbal supplements prior to your visit, to minimize the chances of bruising. Please also review “aftercare instructions” on our website.


We also encourage all of our patients to schedule a free follow-up visit to review your aesthetic results. 


Aftercare recommendations:


Follow-up visit:

  • For Botox & Dysport: 2 weeks after your initial visit

  • For fillers (lips, cheeks, chin, smile lines): 4 weeks after your initial visit


For any questions about aftercare instructions, please call or text Dr. DuBuske at:

  • 703-345-0000 if you are a patient in our McLean, Virginia practice

  • 617-965-0000 if you are a patient in our Newton, Massachusetts practice


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